Learn how to roast pumpkin seeds and use them to make delicious autumnal snacks, salads and bakes. Each and every year at this time I am so very excited to buy pumpkin. When the seeds take on a rich, woody scent, they're ready to come out. Roasted Pumpkin Seeds are super delicious and easy to make. Then place in a colander or fine mesh strainer and rinse thoroughly to remove any of the leftover goop from the pumpkin. Preheat oven to 300°F. Instead of throwing out the pumpkin seeds after a pumpkin carving session, try roasting them as a delicious snack instead! Roasted Pumpkin Seeds. Dash to 3 tablespoons of melted butter or oil. Combine seeds in a medium bowl with olive oil, salt, chili powder, garlic powder and smoked paprika. Pumpkin seeds, when roasted, make a great snack and can be used to add crunch to salads and soups. Be sure to store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. Toss to combine. And now that know how to roast pumpkin seeds, here is … Pumpkin seeds have a delicious nutty taste and they are so easy to flavor. But if we’re being honest, I usually just eat them by the handful. Dash to 3 tablespoons of melted butter or oil. How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds. Step 6: Munch I love to use roasted pumpkin seeds to top hearty fall salads and creamy, coconutty squash soups. If you stick close to your stove and trust your sense of smell, you should be able to get perfectly roasted pumpkin seeds every time. Every autumn, there is increased interest around carving and cooking pumpkin, as well as pumpkin seeds … Scoop the seeds from your pumpkin and try and remove most of the stringy parts. Roasted pumpkin seeds are a great snack option in place of crackers or croutons. How to roast pumpkin seeds. Watch and learn how to make your own delicious roasted seeds. But… The most basic way to roast pumpkin seeds without any flavoring is below in 5 easy steps: Get a paring knife or get a pumpkin carving kit and cut the top of the pumpkin Scoop out the seeds with a large spoon & rinse in a colander under cold water. When you say pumpkin seeds, two snacks may come to mind. (If using store bought, measure out seeds and place directly on baking sheet.) For this recipe, I seasoned the pumpkin seeds with some of my favorite Mexican-inspired spices like chili powder, garlic powder and smoked paprika. Preheat oven to 300°F. Because of the high fat content, roasted pumpkin seeds can become rancid if not stored properly. Lemon pepper roasted pumpkin seeds recipe. Hand-on-heart, this is not like one of those times in which people suggest you eat the entire apple – core, seeds and all – or gnaw the gristle from your chicken bones; roasted pumpkin seeds are simply a joy, through-and-through, and it’s one of the great foodie crimes that so many thousands are discarded like yesterday’s coffee grounds, year after year. We have plenty of recipe ideas and nothing goes to waste! Add a 1 teaspoon (or a little more if you like lemon and a bit of heat) of lemon and pepper seasoning, such as McCormick (this is the one I use) or Mrs. But there are many spice combinations that make for the perfect roasted pumpkin seed seasoning—for a unique variation try 1 teaspoon fennel seed, 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper and 1/8 teaspoon pepper along with the oil for roasting. Then place in a colander or fine mesh strainer and rinse thoroughly to remove any of the leftover goop from the pumpkin. The pumpkin seeds will keep this way for about 3-4 months. Combine seeds in a medium bowl with olive oil, salt, chili powder, garlic powder and smoked paprika. Add a 1 teaspoon (or a little more if you like lemon and a bit of heat) of lemon and pepper seasoning, such as McCormick (this is the one I use) or Mrs. Plain salted pumpkin seeds are perfectly delicious. Scoop the seeds from your pumpkin and try and remove most of the stringy parts. Toss to combine. The smell of a roasting pumpkin casserole in the oven is to die for, pumpkin pie is a Fall staple for many, and pumpkins are an amazing natural preventative for parasites amongst our beloved farm animals. For this recipe, I seasoned the pumpkin seeds with some of my favorite Mexican-inspired spices like chili powder, garlic powder and smoked paprika. While you can buy pumpkin seeds at the store year … (If using store bought, measure out seeds and place directly on baking sheet.) How to Store Roasted Pumpkin Seeds. Those who grew up making snacks post-jack-o-lanterning every October think of the large cream-colored seeds, washed clean of their pumpkin goo, roasted and salted, a great counterpart to the season’s sweet treats.